
Rev. Ross Alexander has been a graduate of BPI since 1980.  After graduation from the Minister’s in Training Program, I became the Pastor of the Santa Rosa Parish when we first opened up in Santa Rosa.  I served in that capacity for two years.

I have been active in the Church of Divine Man, Berkeley Psychic Institute, and the Divine Healing Center for over 30 years..   In 2018, I became Pastor of the Santa Rosa Parish, again.  Currently,  I work at the Santa Rosa BPI’s Monday night Healing Clinics doing Men’s readings and healings, officiate as a Healer and Pastor during the DHC Silent Healing Healing Church Service, and act as Pastor during the Church of Divine Man services/activities that are held in Santa Rosa.

One of my specialties in past life and present time “religious” programming that get in the way of one’s continued growth.